– He is a champion
Tribiani, aka «Joey», er født og oppvokst hos oppdretter Anne Solberg i Åmot. Med sølv og bronse i Asian Games i Singapore og Malaysia, deltakelse i World Cup, ett OL og to VM på samvittigheten, har han oppnådd langt mer enn de fleste hesteeiere kan drømme om.
Vi tok kontakt med Caroline Chews trener Matt Frost, for å høre litt om hans tanker om den norskoppdrettede vallaken e. Solos Landtinus/Michellino.
Foto: Privat
«We were absolutely delighted with the result in Herning. Another wonderful experience that Tribiani as given us.
We never thought it possible for one horse to give us so much. Originally we bought Joey to compete at small tour level for the SEA and Asian Games. He has won medals at this level and has also now competed in two World Championships and one Olympic Games.
He has taken us to compete around the world but Joey also gives us so much on a day to day basis. He is truly a champion.
Still at 18 years old he is fresh and loves his work.
It was wonderful to finally meet Anne Solberg, Joey’s breeder, at the championships – Joey was happy to see her and get cuddles from “Mum”.
Thank you Tribiani.»