WBFSH har fått seg en real ansiktsløftning – ny logo, ny nettside og ny merkevareidentitet.
The World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses lanserte sin nye nettside 7. april i år, og vil bruke plattformen for å utvikle bedre muligheter for alle medlemsforbundene med en målsetning om å opprette et levende nettsamfunn som er åpent for alle oppdrettere av sportshester.
President i WBFSH, Jan Pedersen forklarer:
“Our vision here at the WBFSH is to create a thriving global community of breeders and studbooks. Our new website will become the engine that will drive our strategy to foster breeding progress to produce the best sport horses. We will achieve this by creating accessible opportunities for information sharing, interaction and participation, open to all breeders worldwide.”
The wbfsh.com website in its current format therefore represents the first step in the organization’s aim to reach out to the around 150,000 sport horse breeders worldwide and to offer its current 80 member studbooks a communications platform for information exchange and promotion. It highlights the groundbreaking scientific research work facilitated by the WBFSH.