WBFSH arrangerer gratis webinar med følgende tema, «How to bring genomic development to horse breeding?», tirsdag 7. desember.

Webinaret finner sted på Zoom, og kl 15.00 – 17.00 CEST. Det er gratis og åpent for stambøker i WBFSH.


  1. What is the EAAP and how can it and its Horse Commission support horse breeding?
  2. Focus item at EAAP 2021: Genomic development and future opportunities
  3. How to bring genomic tools to horse breeding: Future parentage testing based on SNPs instead of microsatellites. Experiences from Holland, Germany and France. AS well as information from ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics)
  4. Discussion/summary: Will it be possible to make WBFSH recommendations regarding SNP genotyping to obtain a better price for the SNP chip for the WBFSH studbooks?